Sunday, November 2, 2008

Graham's blessing

Graham's blessing was today at church. He looked so cute in his outfit (props to Megan and Debbie for picking that out). We took a few pictures outside the church since the weather was so wonderful. I didn't get any pictures of just Graham and forgot about it until after I had already taken him out of his outfit so I will have to do that another day and post them later.
Graham was not pleased to be woken up for the photo shoot so we decided to join him in his misery. Elliot does a pretty good impression of a screaming infant. hmm.....
After church, Debbie made a fabulous celebration dinner. Here is the wonderful spread (with me looking mildly drunk in the background).Everyone was there to enjoy the festivities. Adam:

Grandpa, Grandma and Carson:and Grant:

A really great family shot. I love how my head looks 6 times as large as Elliot's.
Unfortunately the guest of honor slept through the whole thing.


Heather said...

Awhhh...Graham and Gabbie were blessed on the same day! How special. It looks like you guys had a great day.

Erica said...

Congrats Graham! What a perfect day. Totally jealous. Of all aspects. Babies in the house. Warmth. Cioppino.

Megan said...

Aw what a cute family you have! You are so blessed!