Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007 Part 1


christa said...

I'm not really sure why there is a picutre of a bulls bum in your holiday slide show..or why there is a picture of a bull at all.

Jessica G said...

I'm with Christa...what's with the bull. I think that picture requires more explanation when included with a slideshow. I loved the pictures, sure looks like you guys had fun. Ah how I miss you all living so close.

Megan said...

you guys are big dorks. that food sure does look real yummmmmy!

Unknown said...

The picture of the bull is a bull that is in my parents town that was the biggest bull ever. It was taxidermied and is now sitting in a glass case at a park in the middle of town, so we all went to check it out while we were visiting. I guess that is what the town is known for. Yeah, it's kind of wierd, but then again, it is Indiana. What do you expect?

Erica said...

I like the picture of the bull. I just assumed it was one of my relatives. Allen looked at your blog yesterday (which is pretty huge since he never even looks at my blog) then came home and said..."Tracy's blog is awesome. She has so many techie things on it like cool pictures and slide shows and stuff. Why doesn't your blog have that?" You impressed the man. That takes a lot. Now I have to work to be as cool as you. Thanks.

Jennifer said...

Looks like you had a yummy Thanksgiving!